
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring 2011

Baseball tryouts are over and Lil’ TK made the Maroon “AA” team. He was happy to learn he made this team as it is coached by his mentor and favorite coach, Dean Bowyer. Lil' TK also started practice with the West 7th Grade Scarlets Baseball team. He made the "A" Squad and will playing his first game with that team on April 14th in Waseca. He is starting pitcher - which he hasn't done for awhile but seems to be getting back into. His favorite positions are SS and LF.

Warmer weather has finally made its way to beautiful North Mankato. Ang and Big TK got the siding and roofing replacement from last summer’s hail storms scheduled for this summer. The little shack is going to look totally different and there is some work to be done on the front doors and framing to match the new look that the Casa d’ Kopp Crew will be sporting.

The garden plots need some serious attention as well. The big snow storm hit before Ang got the mum plants trimmed down. Hopefully they are not destroyed because they really looked gorgeous last fall, all in bloom. Too bad Ang didn’t take some pictures…they were quite a sight.

Kels and the West C Squad Softball team won their first game of the season 13-2 against cross-town rival, the Mankato East Cougars. Kels played 3rd base for the whole game and brought in 2 runs with an RBI hit to right field in her first at bat. Their 2nd game, Kels was the starting pitcher and in her first inning was able to strike out the first batter, then caught a line drive from the 3rd batter, turned to catch the runner at 1st who did not tag up and ended up getting all 3 outs on her own. What a game! The Scarlets won that one 19-4 vs an ill-prepared Albert Lea squad.

Abby is loving the nicer weather…she is able to once again chase tennis balls in the back yard and stretch her legs. She still does not like the thunder/lightning storms that the spring brings. When storms hit, she has to run around the house and check on each family member to make sure everyone is ok. Crazy mutt!

*´¨)¸.• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•' Peace and Love

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No Dumb-Bells

After an interesting couple of weeks of temporary insanity due to cabin fever and 13yearoldism...Kels and Lil' TK forgot the fighting and dumb-bell throwing (yes, a dumb-bell was really used as a projectile flying object/weapon - it was not pretty) to hang out like the great kids they are.

They even took this awesome pic - without Ang asking or even knowing about it!

There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. ;o)

*´¨)¸.• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•' Peace and Love