
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wrestling Season

Wrestling season has come to an end for Lil' TK. He finished the season with a 3-18 record. Which is 2 wins better than last improvement! He was able to participate in both the team and individual sections tournament at the varsity level as well. It was a great experience for him. The best part was the team and family camaraderie.

Kels took the winter off (she really doesn't like basketball) and found she loves watching hockey. The boys high school team is on a winning streak heading into playoffs and sections with hopes of making it to state this year.

Big TK has been active with church playing in the contemporary band on Sundays and as a confirmation guide for a small group of boys. Ang is also a confirmation guide and is helping get the Dittos ready for confirmation this May! Seems like just yesterday, they were getting baptized at the same church. Time does fly.

Abby is as patient as ever and puts up with all the chaos like any dog would...sleeping on her comfy chaise lounger in the living room. She's even gotten to the point where she can block everyone out and snore away...when she was younger, she wouldn't close her eyes if someone was in the same room as her. Oh, the life of our lovable mutt.

*´¨)¸.• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•' Peace and Love