So - State didn't go as well as Kels and her team had hoped. After some amazing weekends of softball, the Orange team was ranked 2nd out 105 teams and put in the small, competitive AAA Fall State Tournament. 7 teams. They ended up 6th or 7th. Not sure. Still 7th out of 105 ain't bad! Would have been nice to see them go deeper in the tournament and not finish out the year with an 0-2 day but it's 11/12 year old softball...stuff happens.
Lil' TK and the SI Lions are still going strong with a 14-7 win over the Knights of Lake Crystal. Two more games and football season is done. Then it's on to Basketball. Tryouts are the 10th of Oct. A/B splits and cuts this year. Fingers crossed!
Big TK is still looking for a different job and plugging away at the book sales job he's in now.
Ang is still losing the battle of the bulge but tries each day to do her best.
Ang and Big TK found out that someone who had been a good friend to them when they lived in Chicago died unexpectedly on 9/29. Only 50 yrs old and mother to 3 boys. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
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