
Friday, December 4, 2009

Basketball Season

Lil' TK has his first tournament for basketball this weekend. It's not really much of a tournament with only 6 teams and the goofiest schedule ever seen but it's a chance to watch him play ball and that's what counts. Kels has her last volleyball game as well. She has really been doing a great job of serving and understanding the game better. Looking forward to starting the WAVA (West Area Volleyball Assoc.) volleyball program next spring.

Big TK is busy looking for a job and assistant coaching Lil' TK's basketball team. Ang is trying to get everything ready for Christmas and make a dent in her scrapbooking. It's a daunting task...

This is Kels and her "God-Brother" Jack. Ang and Big TK are his Godparents. They are so cute together.

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